0428 289 502

About Us
We take pride in our cars and our involvement in the Greater Hamilton Community.
Come along and join us for the next Car Run or Fund-Raising Event!
South West Street Rodders are situated in Hamilton, Victoria - about 3hrs south west of Melbourne. We currently have over 40 members, one of these being Neville Field who was one of the founding members when the club was first established in 1974.
Club Runs
We have successfully organised the “Surf Side Campout” or “Port Fairy Rod Run” at the seaside town of Port Fairy for many years. This run is held in January each year with over 150 cars registering for the event and reaching over 350 plus cars at the Show n' Shine on the Sunday. The club has also successfully organised two Lake Fynes Rod Runs between 1980 and 1981. Taking over this Rod Run after the C.R.A (Country Rodding Association) folded up. This Rod Run was also another great event that everyone enjoyed attending. The club has also organised a Victoria State Run, as well as a Hamilton Rod Run over the years.

Community Events
Aside from the events the club has organised, we also help out with community events such as the Wombat Wish Night held in the Hamilton botanical gardens for children who have lost their parents. Here we display the cars for the evening for the public to view. We also give children with cancer rides in the hot rods when they come to Hamilton for a weekend holiday. We also donate money to Relay For Life and Make a Wish Foundation, chauffeuring brides and wedding parties, as well as driving debutantes to their deb ball - these are just some of the ways the South West Street Rodders club helps out in the Greater Hamilton community.
Annual Swap Meet
On the last weekend in August the club holds the annual swap meet at the Hamilton Showgrounds. All are welcome.
Happy Hour
Since the purchase of the club rooms (ex kindergarten) in Haige st Hamilton, we have had regular Friday night “Happy hours”. It is fantastic to have such a great facility for our family orientated club, to be able to use on regular occasions.